I just love having the iMacs in the classroom.  They actually work.  Students are able to take DORA in the classroom has been so helpful.  It is really difficult for students to type in their passwords, so in the computer lab I am greeted by non-stop shouts of "teacher,teacher" or students who just decided they don't want to take the test and are happily sitting using another website.  In the room, I can put students on the computer at anytime during the school day, and since I type the password before they sit down at the computer, no log-in meltdowns.  Happy teacher and happy students.  Also I am able to check the scores as they finish, they are less likely to zip through just to get finished.  If the scores are lower than the previous test, I show them the bar graph and make them take the test again. This was not possible when all students were testing at the same time in the computer lab.

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